Rad Livin’: Meet Kate McGuire

Saturday // May 4 // 2013

Meet DontTellSummer ambassador Kate McGuire…

Where are you in the world? 

I’m still trying to figure that out! The past 2 years has been a lot of trying different things and canceling them out one by one. I thought I wanted to be in radio and now I work for Youtube, so I am excited to see what the rest of my journey looks like 🙂

How do you follow your bliss all year round? 

It sounds simple but I just do what makes me happy! Whether that be a night out with friends, or a night in by myself! I’ve never done things to make other people happy I just focus on myself and luckily my friends and family are super supportive!

What are you currently up to?

Currently I work for a Youtube talent agency! I was so lucky that I had a group of people rooting for me and my career, and now I get to do that for others!

If fear ever shows up in your life, how do you move passed it?

My mom has always told me that if you aren’t scared some of the time then you aren’t living! When I am fearful of a career move or literal move across the country I just remind myself that I am doing it for my future and well being 🙂

Why do you love what you do?

I absolutely love sitting around and laughing with my family! They all now live in Southern California so we get to do it a lot more often! Also traveling… which I need to do more of!

What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken, and how did it feel to go for it? 

The biggest risk I have taken is moving my whole life to Los Angeles. I only knew 1 person and had a 3 month internship. Once I did it there were definitely times I questioned myself but in the long run it is the best decision I ever made!

Tell us a time when something totally synchronistic happened?

I once applied for what I thought was my dream job, and was completely devastated when I found out they chose someone else who had a little bit more experience than I did. I was unemployed for about 3 months and was considering moving back home. Then I got offered a similar job at the same company, and had an amazing time! After working there for a month I found out the previous job was getting taken away because of budget cuts. Everything happens for a reason!

What advice could you give to someone who knows what they love to do, but haven’t gone for it?

My advice would be to follow what you want to do no.matter.what. You have to know that there will be times you want to throw in the towel, and there will be times when you are eating $.25 soup for dinner every night of the week because your dreams can cost you. Everyone has been there and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.



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