Fill the Space with Love

Monday // November 4 // 2013


Whatever you want in life, fill the space of it with love. By feeling the love that you have for something, your circumstances will move so far out in to the distance, to the point that the only thing you see is the space between who you are and what you love.

A couple months ago I began to do a lot of heart meditations. When I would sit and think about what I love, my parents would instantly pop into my head. I would feel the love that I have for them and they have for me and just breath into that feeling of unconditional love. My parents live in California and I live in Sydney, but in that space we were infinitely connected through love. I continued to do this meditation for a couple weeks, sitting down and closing my eyes whenever I felt to.

Going in to do this meditation there was no agenda that was tied to my parents. I simply loved the feeling of really feeling the love that I have for them and the love that I know that they have for me. After a few times of doing this, my mom got a job offer in Sydney.  This is something that I logically wouldn’t have been able to manifest – it would have felt forced, and manifestations work when you’re doing them for yourself and if I would have ‘tried’ to manifest for my parents move to Sydney I would have felt like I was getting in the way of what’s meant to happen.

By simply feeling the love that I have for them they drew closer and closer and the reality of them living thousands of miles away became thinner and thinner to the point that love trumped it.

What ever it is that you love, LOVE it. It sounds so simple but if you want more of what you love in your life, show up, give it your love and really feel it. Create space to feel what you love even if it’s for five minutes. You don’t need to sit down every day and attempt to manifest, but rather when you feel to open up your heart to that in which you love.

There are no rules for how to go about creating space for the things that you love to show up! By feeling the love that you have for something, you draw it closer and closer to you and your circumstances thin out so much to the point that they don’t exist; All is left is love.

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