Dreams: An open letter to the girl who was too afraid to say yes

Sunday // January 10 // 2016

The boundaries are not real.

The reason you’re saying no.

You have to think bigger,

your dreams depend on you doing so.

The walls you’ve put up,

the excuses you won’t leave behind,

the fear of the unknown keeps your thoughts in a bind.

Look a little deeper.

Ask a few more questions.

Learn to get out of your own way

and create your own intentions.

The opportunities are everywhere

not just the ones that aren’t here.

Let go of what you think you need to do

and let go of the fear.

We choose things that are not us

because at least we know the outcome.

Why are we so afraid to take the leap

and see what greatness we can become.

You didn’t come here to be stuck.

You didn’t come here to not be happy.

You came here to live out your truth

even if you don’t know what it is yet exactly.

Don’t waist your time on being stuck

when there are options other than ones of fear.

Step back and look from far away

and you’ll see the answers were always here.

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