Love and The Adventures In Between

Thursday // April 16 // 2020


Coming up to my 30th birthday, I always imagined I would be with my Person; the love of my life.

Every adventure felt like a game where in the back of my mind I thought, ‘Maybe this is the place I’ll meet him.’ Maybe on the deck of this ferry on my way to a Greek island, in a corner store in Vanuatu, at this retreat, or late night in a bar in Australia when the final song is playing.

My heart felt called to different places, experiences, people, and adventures. It lit up at the sound of them, and I would always have the thought bubble come in and think, I wonder if this is it. If this where we’ll cross paths.

There’s been times in my life where I felt it. It was in the times when I felt completely aligned with my soul. Planning a trip or arriving somewhere I thought, he’s here. My soul felt this excitement that I would only feel when I was about to align up with something that was meant for me.

Every adventure brought me closer to myself and the love within.

The pull of my heart to go to an island in Greece led not to my person, but to people who would quickly change my life.

The tug of an inkling that turned into a full blown leap took me to the experiences that gave me confidence in myself.

The pit in my stomach before I got on the flight to move across the world led to a journey of undiscovered purpose, people, and a place that felt like home.

The building of a festival that required every ounce of love, passion, and attention showed me the devotion I have for things that I love and that I am capable of creating something bigger than myself.

The places and cities that led me to other love and showed me the shadows and wounds that were ready to be healed; allowing me to quietly say thank you that my person hadn’t come quite yet. I had work to do.

Each time I had that pull from my heart to do something, it was meant for me. Each adventure brought me closer to myself and opened the door to something new.

While I haven’t met my person yet, I can only hope that the adventures we have are as incredible as the journey in between. I sometimes like to think that he’s out having his own adventures and life experiences, and I get a smile on my face thinking of him on his own path, wondering when mine will line up with his too.

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