Rad Livin’: Meet Nicole Gaunt

Sunday // August 26 // 2012

Meet Nicole Gaunt…


Where are you in the world?

Portland, Oregon! The beautiful Pacific Northwest is where I call home!

How do you follow your bliss?

Collecting moments and not things are what I search for. I love snapping photos and seizing the moment with whomever I’m surrounded by. Sometimes that is a few thousand trees and a waterfall or the ocean and a few million specks of sand. Driving with the windows down singing to music, finding the not so beaten path and blazing it, I’ll find the next adventure.

What are you currently up to? 

Full time marketing administrator/dog mom/girlfriend/life lover/thrill seeker/entrepreneur/full time dreamer.

If fear ever shows up in your life how do you move passed it?

By constantly telling myself, “you’re okay – you will get past this.” Fear and anxiety used to have control on my life until I figured out the only thing to fear was not living my best life. It’s helped me seem every day with a new light.

What is your ultimate dream?

To be a motivational speaker. I have always been inspired by ones around me, there’s nothing more than hearing my mentors tell me anything is possible. Gives me such a rush for weeks on end!

What’s one of the biggest risks you’ve taken and how did it feel to go for it?

Leaving my Southern California life/ex boyfriend to find who I was again. I packed my bags, and admitted to myself and everyone else my life wasn’t as perfect as I thought it was or perceived it to be. I had to let my guard down and start over. The last two years have been spent on me. Living, loving and learning who I’ve been. It wasn’t easy, painful in the beginning but so fulfilling now. I learned to love myself so I could love others the way they needed to be loved.


Tell us a time when something totally synchronistic happened?

I’ve always had a passion for photos but never really thought I had any potential for it, but a few years ago I got a really nice cannon and started shooting/learning how to edit. I’ve continued this over the last few years doing it for fun, but what it’s done for me is given me a new perspective on life and adventure. The part where it made my whole life is when I started meeting people from all over the world off of Instagram. I’ve met some of my best friends I’ve ever had and even Olivia, which brought me to DTS! I think that’s pretty awesome, friends through photos. Pretty rad!


What advice could you give to someone who knows what they would love to do, but haven’t gone for it?

Your dream will always be there but why wait to go get it? Knowing what you love is soo empowering and inspiring, go get your dream and show others it is possible to love what you do!!

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